How we Work
The customer lifecycle that your potential customer groups or an existing customer go through in their relationship to your brand.

By visualizing the phases of a customer journey, the touchpoints of your customers become visible. For a destination it is clear that many factors lead to a happy travel decision and booking and that its potential customers can be picked up at many touchpoints.
- Inspiration
- Discover
- Research
- Purchase
- Delivery
- Aftersales
Based on different customer personas, you create individual goals along the journey, which as a whole mean success for the entire travel destination.

Human-centered design bring interactive systems highly usable that on focus of observation, evaluation and implementation of usable solutions.
- Usage requirement
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Satisfaction
Task models of the user groups are described qualitatively and quantitatively and the stakeholders receive the fulfilled market requirements.
All interests connect with common goals
We work with & support
- SAP Signavio Professional modeling tool to represent your business processes. Discover pain and gain points - develop solutions through visibility.
- Testingtime TestingTime recruits suitable test persons. The company uses screening and artificial intelligence to do this. The complete research process and the conduct of UX research can be relised with Testingtime.
- UX-Pressia UX-Pressia is an online tool for customer journey mapping and for creating personas to analyse all touchpoints in multichannel interactions.

SAP - Signavio


UX Pressia
Global facts &


Data sets

Travel offers

Community goals


Brand loyalty

Set trends and use your strengths to differentiate yourself from national and international competitors - serve your segmented target groups with quality.

Data sets
Enablers and hot customers are the foundation of all successful marketing efforts. With the right data sets, you can activate your customer groups at any time.

Community goals
Viewed in the balance, many operate too aggressive a pricing policy and are better off because of labour costs and regional price advantages. Only in the action of a common goal of destionation does it lead to a good solution.

Brand loyalty
Conquer your customers and strengthen brand loyalty among consumers. Continually create desire and score points with your brand awareness.
Global facts &

Our strategy is to develop and deploy all the strengths of a destination in such a way as to secure the most profitable long-term business possible.

Speak with us?
do you want to create great things for your destination? Mail us

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